Calcitriol IP 0.25mcg, Calcium Carbonate IP 500mg & Zinc Sulphate IP 7.5mg Softgel  Capsules

Casbon-C Softgel Capsules

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Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate, and Zinc Softgel Capsules are a combined mixture of medication that consists of three active ingredients: calcitriol, calcium carbonate, and zinc.  It belongs to the group of ‘Multi-minerals’ mainly used to treat low blood calcium levels. Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate & Zinc effectively treat different conditions caused by low calcium levels in the body, such as osteoporosis (weak and fragile bones), osteomalacia/rickets (brittle bones), hypoparathyroidism (low levels of parathyroid hormone), and latent tetany (a muscle disease with low hemoglobin calcium levels). CALCITRIOL+CALCIUM CARBONATE+ZINC can also be offered to pregnant, nursing, and postmenopausal women to make sure that they are getting enough calcium. Let’s take a look at the following 3 ingredients of these capsules

Calcitriol: Calcitriol is the lively form of vitamin D. It helps to regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body and encourages their absorption from the intestines. Calcitriol also plays a vital role in maintaining bone health and supporting proper immune system functioning.

Calcium Carbonate: Calcium carbonate is a widely used calcium supplement. Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth, proper muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. Calcium carbonate gives supplemental calcium to the body, especially when dietary intake is not sufficient.

Zinc: Zinc is a significant mineral that plays different roles in the body, containing supporting immune function, promoting wound healing, and participating in cell division and development. Zinc also provides the maintenance of healthy skin and helps protect cells from oxidative damage.

The combination of calcitriol, calcium carbonate, and zinc in soft gel capsules gives the advantage of providing these three essential nutrients in a convenient and easily absorbed form. 

How to use Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate & Zinc Softgel Capsules 

Follow these general guidelines to use Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate, and Zinc Softgel Capsules.

  • Read carefully and understand the instructions given with the medication. If you have any queries, ask your healthcare doctor or pharmacist for clarification.
  • Take the soft gel capsules exactly as suggested by your doctor. Do not overdose unless instructed to do so.
  • Check the instructions to look if the capsules must be taken with or without food. Some statements may require you to consume them with meals, while others can be taken on an empty stomach. 
  • Take the whole soft gel capsules with a full glass of water and do not munch, crush, or crack them unless directed otherwise.
  • Follow the dosing schedule in which it is recommended to take the capsules at a particular time of day to ensure constant absorption and prime effectiveness.
  • Take advice from your doctor to avoid interactions if you are taking other medications, including over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, or vitamins,.
  •  It is crucial to take the soft gel capsules on a regular basis as prescribed, even if you start feeling better. 
  • Attend any of the follow-up appointments scheduled by your healthcare provider to notice your progress and adjust the treatment if important.

Advantages of Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate & Zinc Softgel Capsules 

Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate, and Zinc Softgel Capsules offer various potential benefits due to the combination of their active ingredients. Here are the key benefits.

  • The combined mixture of calcitriol and calcium carbonate provides important nutrients for maintaining strong and healthy bones.
  • Calcitriol, which is the active shape of vitamin D, helps to regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body.
  • It helps to maintain the exact functioning of immune cells, which is essential for a strong immune response against infections and diseases.
  •  Softgel capsules are usually more easily absorbed by the body as compared to tablets and it allows better utilisation of the nutrients.
  •  The combination of calcitriol, calcium carbonate, and zinc in one formulation gives a comprehensive perspective to address several nutritional needs.

Side Effects of Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate & Zinc Softgel Capsules 

Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate, and Zinc Softgel Capsules may result in some side effects in some individuals. 

  • Upset stomach or stomach discomfort
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Excessive thirst
  • Headache
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Dry mouth
  • Unusual exhaustion or weakness
  • Allergic reactions (It’s rare but possible)

Precautions of Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate & Zinc Softgel Capsules

When using Calcitriol, Calcium Carbonate, and Zinc Softgel Capsules, remember the following precautions:

  • It is mandatory to Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are prone to allergies to the ingredients present in the capsules.
  • Disclose any present medical conditions to your personal doctor, especially those related to calcium metabolism.
  • Tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you are consuming.
  • Monitor on a regular basis calcium and vitamin D levels if suggested by your doctor.
  •  Consult with your gynecologist if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  •  Report any unexpected or dangerous reactions to your doctor.
  •  Take the capsules as recommended and stay within the prescribed dose.

Calcitriol IP 0.25mcg, Calcium Carbonate IP 500mg & Zinc Sulphate IP 7.5mg Softgel  Capsules

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