Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule

Rizitat 20 Gold

Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule- Rizitat 20 Gold, This drug, which contains aspirin, rosuvastatin, and clopidogrel, is used to treat heart attacks. Clopidogrel, Rosuvastatin, and aspirin all work to fend against heart attacks. Clopidogrel and aspirin are both antiplatelet drugs. They function by reducing the development of dangerous blood clots and preventing platelets from adhering to one another. A lipid-lowering drug called rosuvastatin prevents the body from producing “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and raises levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL).

Uses of Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule

Asprin 75 mg, Clopidogrel 75 mg, and Rosuvastatin 20 mg The capsule is a member of a class of antihyperlipidemic and antiplatelet medications used to treat stroke, angina, myocardial infarction, and heart attacks. Asprin 75 mg, Clopidogrel 75 mg, and Rosuvastatin 20 mg What fixed-dose combination of three medications, namely aspirin, clopidogrel, and rosuvastatin, is known as a capsule? The class of medications known as antihyperlipidemic includes rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin reduces lipid levels. It enhances the body’s capacity to manufacture good cholesterol while inhibiting the production of harmful cholesterol. It is used to treat heart and blood-related issues, heart attacks, and strokes as well as to lower cholesterol levels. Aspirin and clopidogrel are both members of the Antiplatelet medication class. They function by stopping blood from clotting and reducing the number of dangerous clots that form in the body. It is employed to treat heart attacks and chest pain.


Inform your doctor if you have any active liver conditions, bleeding disorders (such as peptic ulcers or brain hemorrhages), are pregnant, intend to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, are sensitive to rosuvastatin, clopidogrel, or aspirin, or any of these conditions. Before having surgery or starting any new medication, the patient should let their doctor know they are using Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule. Use it cautiously if you have active liver disease. Children and adolescents under the age of 16 should not use Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule because its safety and efficacy have not been demonstrated. The medication may make you feel sleepy and drowsy, less alert, or impair your vision. Do not drive if any of these symptoms appear.


Asprin 75 mg, Clopidogrel 75 mg, and Rosuvastatin 20 mg No capsules should be taken unless a doctor has recommended them. Follow your doctor’s instructions before taking Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule. Based on your medical condition, your doctor will give you advice regarding how frequently to take your medicines. With a full glass of water, inhale the Rosuvastatin 20 mg+ Asprin 75 mg+ Clopidogrel 75 mg capsule. Never chew or crush a pill before swallowing.

Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule’s Side Effects

Like other medications, Clopidogrel 75mg, Asprin 75mg, and Rosuvastatin 20mg Side effects from the capsule could exist. These negative effects, meanwhile, are only fleeting and go away eventually. The most frequent side effects of Rosuvastatin 20 mg+ Asprin 75 mg+ Clopidogrel 75 mg Capsule are headache, muscle pain, an increased tendency to bleed, stomach pain, indigestion, and bruise (discoloration of the skin), as well as nose bleeding, weakness, gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea, and nausea. The aforementioned adverse effects are not required to occur in everyone. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any discomfort.

Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule Manufacturer and Suppleir

The well-known pharmaceutical company Medibyte is renowned for its reliable and authentic product line. Due to the utilization of the best raw extracts accessible during manufacturing, our products are quite safe for users. Leading medical professionals that support our products and even suggest them to their patients are connected to us. Modern equipment is used in the company’s production facilities to generate our high-quality recipes. For the best services available, connect with us.

Rosuvastatin 20mg+Asprin75mg+Clopidogrel 75mg Capsule

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